We have designed story times and classes to suit your child's age
Pre-K, K-2
3rd-5th Grade
Middle School, High School
Your child is finding fascination in everything. Let them explore creative boundaries in a space where play is encouraged and social/emotional learning is the main focus.
StoryTumble: Interactive storytelling for pre-readers. Using picture books with short, simple language. Bi-lingual in Spanish!
Kids Yoga Play: Combining yoga, breathing exercising and play to promote mindfulness using the Ten Breaths Away breathing method.
Your child is finding joy in repetition and project work. Help them discover new themes or unleash their favorite ideas in a variety of literacy-based programming using masks, puppets, and silly voices - usually all at once!
Puppets + Plays: Immersive performances for children's entertainment. Taking a cue from classic fairytales and myths, students make a puppet and learn how to create a story.
Craft N' Read, where children can unleash their creativity and imagination. Students are presented with variety of materials and encouraged to create an object or character inspired by the story being read aloud.
Your child is finding their creative identity and experimenting with different ways of communicating. Give them access to a vast library of artistic tools including college prep access, research help, and performance-based opportunities to shine.
6th-8th, 9th-12th
Offering customized options for these grades, please email for details.